// Get Document ID /** * Récupère depuis le document l'identifiant de l'élément * @param {string} id Identifiant de l'élément `id='identifiant'` * @returns */ function getID(id) { return document.getElementById(id) } /** * Permet de faire une pop-up automatique */ class InfoPop { constructor(name) { this.name = name this.element = getID(this.name) this.element.innerHTML = " " this.element.style.fontSize = "14px" this.element.style.position = "sticky" this.element.style.width = this.element.parentElement.offsetWidth + "px" this.element.style.textAlign = "center" } clear() { this.element.innerHTML = " " } err(text) { this.element.classList.add("yellow") this.element.innerHTML = " " + text } info(text) { this.element.classList.remove("yellow") this.element.innerHTML = " " + text } setSize(size) { this.element.style.fontSize = size } } const viewsAccessible = new Map() var xMousePos = null; var yMousePos = null; document.onmousemove = function(e) { xMousePos = e.clientX + window.scrollX; yMousePos = e.clientY + window.scrollY; } document.oncontextmenu = function(e) { xMousePos = e.clientX + window.scrollX; yMousePos = e.clientY + window.scrollY; } var zIndex = 5 class ViewWindow { ViewHTML = null ViewProperties =null ViewSpanInteger = null ViewPopupSpanInteger = null ViewPopupHTML = null ViewPopupTitle = null constructor(properties) { if(!viewsAccessible.has(properties.title)) { this.ViewProperties = properties viewsAccessible.set(properties.title, true) this.ViewHTML = `


` this.ViewSpanInteger = document.createElement("div") document.body.appendChild(this.ViewSpanInteger); this.ViewSpanInteger.outerHTML = this.ViewHTML const closeWindow = document.getElementById(properties.title + "_close") closeWindow.addEventListener("click", () => { this.destroy() }) const header = document.getElementById(properties.title + "_header") const windowDiv = document.getElementById(properties.title + "_window") let isDragging = false; let offsetX, offsetY; windowDiv.style.zIndex = zIndex + 1 header.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => { isDragging = true; zIndex+=2 windowDiv.style.zIndex = zIndex // Enregistrez la position de la souris par rapport à la fenêtre offsetX = e.clientX - windowDiv.getBoundingClientRect().left; offsetY = e.clientY - windowDiv.getBoundingClientRect().top; }); // Gérer le déplacement document.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => { if (isDragging) { header.style.cursor = "grab" // Calculez la nouvelle position de la fenêtre en fonction de la position de la souris const newLeft = e.clientX - offsetX; const newTop = e.clientY - offsetY; // Limitation de la position pour éviter un débordement const maxX = window.innerWidth - windowDiv.offsetWidth; const maxY = window.innerHeight - windowDiv.offsetHeight; windowDiv.style.left = Math.min(Math.max(newLeft, 0), maxX) + 'px'; windowDiv.style.top = Math.min(Math.max(newTop, 0), maxY) + 'px'; } }); // Gérer la fin du glisser-déposer document.addEventListener('mouseup', () => { header.style.cursor = "unset" isDragging = false; }); } } destroy() { const win = getID(`${this.ViewProperties.title}_window`) win.outerHTML = " " viewsAccessible.delete(this.ViewProperties.title) } setContent(text) { const contentDiv = document.getElementById(this.ViewProperties.title + "_content") contentDiv.innerHTML = text } getViewTitle() { return this.ViewProperties.title } createPopup(properties) { this.ViewPopupHTML = `


` const contentDiv = getID(this.ViewProperties.title + "_content") const popupDiv = getID(this.ViewProperties.title + "_popupDiv") this.ViewPopupSpanInteger = document.createElement("div") popupDiv.appendChild(this.ViewPopupSpanInteger); this.ViewPopupSpanInteger.outerHTML = this.ViewPopupHTML this.ViewPopupTitle = properties.title const popup = getID(properties.title + "_popup") const popupClose = getID(properties.title + "_popupClose") popupClose.addEventListener("click", () => { this.destroyPopup() }) // Center the popup to the window div popup.style.left = (contentDiv.offsetWidth / 2) - (popup.offsetWidth / 2) + "px" popup.style.top = (contentDiv.offsetHeight / 2) - (popup.offsetHeight / 2) + "px" // Render parent element styled blur contentDiv.classList.add("blur") // Disable all interractions like click and events with contentDiv children for(var child of contentDiv.children) { child.style.pointerEvents = "none" } } destroyPopup() { const contentDiv = getID(this.ViewProperties.title + "_content") for(var child of contentDiv.children) { child.style.pointerEvents = "unset" } contentDiv.classList.remove("blur") const popup = getID(this.ViewPopupTitle + "_popup") popup.outerHTML = "" } } function createView(viewType) { if(viewType == 'files_explorer') { generateFileExplorer() } if(viewType == 'service') { const View = new ViewWindow({ title: "Gestionnaire des services", width: "1000px", height: "600px" }) } } class DroppableMenu { options = new Array() id = null DMSpanInteger = null constructor(properties) { this.id = properties.id this.options.push(`
`) } add(action, string) { this.options.push("
" + string + "
") } show() { this.options.push(`
`) if(xMousePos && yMousePos) { this.DMSpanInteger = document.createElement("span") document.body.appendChild(this.DMSpanInteger); this.DMSpanInteger.outerHTML = this.options.join('') const menu = getID(`dm-${this.id}`) menu.style.zIndex = zIndex + 2 zIndex+=1 menu.style.left = (xMousePos - 40) + "px" menu.style.top = (yMousePos - 40) + "px" menu.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => { menu.outerHTML = "" }) } } get(action) { return getID(this.id + "_" + action) } hide() { const menu = getID(`dm-${this.id}`) menu.outerHTML = "" } } function getFormattedDate(GetDate) { const date = new Date(GetDate) var gmonth = date.getMonth() + 1 var gday = date.getDate() var gHour = date.getHours() var gMinute = date.getMinutes() var gSecondes = date.getSeconds() if(date.getMonth() + 1 < 10) { gmonth = "0" + (date.getMonth() + 1) } if(date.getDate() + 1 <= 10) { gday = "0" + date.getDate() } if(date.getHours() + 1 <= 10) { gHour = "0" + date.getHours() } if(date.getMinutes() + 1 <= 10) { gMinute = "0" + date.getMinutes() } if(date.getSeconds() + 1 <= 10) { gSecondes = "0" + date.getSeconds() } return gday + "/" + gmonth + "/" + date.getFullYear() + " - " + gHour + ":" + gMinute }