const { LogType } = require("loguix") const fs = require("fs") const path = require("path") const { __glob } = require("./global-variables.js") const auth = require("./auth.js") const users = require("./users.js") const files = require("./files.js") const config = require("./config.js") const links = require("./links.js") const service = require("./services.js") const pipeline = require("./pipelines.js") const plog = new LogType("Web") const cook = require("cookie") const http = require("http") const servermetrics = require("./server-metrics.js") const metrics = require("./metrics.js") const pm2 = require('pm2'); /** * NOTE INTERNE * * Changer les pictures de users autre part */ /** * * @param {http.Server} server */ module.exports.serverIO = function(server) { const io = require('')(server, { maxHttpBufferSize: 1e8, pingTimeout: 60000 }) io.on("connection", (socket) => { let token = cook.parse(socket.handshake.headers.cookie).token var user = auth.getUserByToken(token) if(user) { plog.log("Connexion au panel par '" + user.username + "' avec le socket : " + user.setLastLogin(new Date()) /** * GET REQUEST */ // Get Users GetRequest("USERINFO", () => { user = auth.getUserByToken(token) GetAnswer("USERINFO", {username: user.username, display_name: user.display_name ,picture: user.picture, permission: user.permission}) }) /** * POST REQUEST */ PostRequest("US_EDIT_PERSONNAL", async (settings) => { user = auth.getUserByToken(token) PostAnswer("US_EDIT_PERSONNAL", await users.editMySelf(settings, user)) }) if(user.checkPermission("FILES_EXPLORER")) { PostRequest("FX_GET", (root) => { PostAnswer("FX_GET", files.getFiles(root)) }) PostRequest("FX_NEW_FOLDER", (root) => { PostAnswer("FX_NEW_FOLDER", files.createFolder(root)) }) PostRequest("FX_DELETE", (root) => { PostAnswer("FX_DELETE", files.deleteFile(root)) } ) PostRequest("FX_RENAME", (settings) => { PostAnswer("FX_RENAME", files.renameFile(settings)) }) PostRequest("FX_SHARE", (settings) => { PostAnswer("FX_SHARE", files.shareFile(settings)) }) PostRequest("FX_GETFILE", (root) => { PostAnswer("FX_GETFILE", files.getFile(root)) }) PostRequest("FX_SAVEFILE", (settings) => { PostAnswer("FX_SAVEFILE", files.saveFile(settings)) }) PostRequest("FX_NEW_FILE", (settings) => { PostAnswer("FX_NEW_FILE", files.newFile(settings)) }) PostRequest("FX_UPLOAD", (settings) => { PostAnswer("FX_UPLOAD", files.uploadFile(settings)) }) PostRequest("FX_PASTE", (settings) => { PostAnswer("FX_PASTE", files.pasteFile(settings)) }) } if(user.checkPermission("SERVICES")) { PostRequest("SV_GET_SERVICE_STATUS", async (sv) => { PostAnswer("SV_GET_SERVICE_STATUS", {answer: await service.getServiceStatus(sv), name: sv}) }) PostRequest("SV_START_SERVICE", async (sv) => { PostAnswer("SV_START_SERVICE", {answer: await service.startService(sv), name: sv}) }) PostRequest("SV_STOP_SERVICE", async (sv) => { PostAnswer("SV_STOP_SERVICE", {answer: await service.stopService(sv), name: sv}) }) PostRequest("SV_RESTART_SERVICE", async (sv) => { PostAnswer("SV_RESTART_SERVICE", {answer: await service.restartService(sv), name: sv}) }) } if(user.checkPermission("LINKS")) { PostRequest("LINKS_GET_ALL", () => { PostAnswer("LINKS_GET_ALL", {answer: "OK", links: links.getLinks()}) }) PostRequest("LINKS_ADD", (settings) => { PostAnswer("LINKS_ADD", {answer: links.addLink(settings)}) }) PostRequest("LINKS_DELETE", (id) => { PostAnswer("LINKS_DELETE", links.removeLink(id)) }) PostRequest("LINKS_EDIT", (settings) => { PostAnswer("LINKS_EDIT", links.updateLink(, settings)) }) } if(user.checkPermission("SERVERS")) { PostRequest("SERVER_GET_METRICS_Alpha", async (settings) => { PostAnswer("SERVER_GET_METRICS_Alpha", {answer: "OK", metrics: await servermetrics.getMetrics(settings), name: settings}); }); PostRequest("SERVER_GET_METRICS_Omega", async (settings) => { PostAnswer("SERVER_GET_METRICS_Omega", {answer: "OK", metrics: await servermetrics.getMetrics(settings), name: settings}); }); } if(user.checkPermission("PIPELINES")) { GetRequest("PL_GET_ALL", async () => { GetAnswer("PL_GET_ALL", await pipeline.getAllPipelines()) }) PostRequest("PL_START", async (settings) => { PostAnswer("PL_START", await pipeline.startPipeline(settings)) }) } if(user.checkPermission("USERS")) { GetRequest("US_ALL", async () => { GetAnswer("US_ALL", await users.getAllUsers()) }) PostRequest("US_ADD", async (settings) => { PostAnswer("US_ADD", await users.addUser(settings)) }) PostRequest("US_DELETE", async (settings) => { PostAnswer("US_DELETE", await users.deleteUser(settings)) }) PostRequest("US_EDIT", async (settings) => { PostAnswer("US_EDIT", await users.editUser(settings)) }) PostRequest("US_CLEAR_TOKENS", async (settings) => { PostAnswer("US_CLEAR_TOKENS", await users.clearTokens(settings)) }) } if(user.checkPermission("SETTINGS")) { PostRequest("SETTINGS_SAVE", async (settings) => { PostAnswer("SETTINGS_SAVE", await config.saveSettings(settings)) }) PostRequest("SERVER_RESTART", async () => { pm2.restart('Neutral') }) PostRequest("SERVER_STOP", async () => { pm2.stop('Neutral') }) GetRequest("SERVER_GET_LOGS", async () => { GetAnswer("SERVER_GET_LOGS", await fs.readdirSync(__glob.LOGS)) }) PostRequest("SERVER_READ_LOG", async (logs) => { PostAnswer("SERVER_READ_LOG", await fs.readFileSync(__glob.LOGS + path.sep + logs).toString()) }) GetRequest("SETTINGS_GET", async () => { GetAnswer("SETTINGS_GET", await config.getSettings()) }) } if(user.checkPermission("METRICS")) { GetRequest("MT_ALL", async () => { GetAnswer("MT_ALL", await metrics.getMetrics()) }) PostRequest("MT_ADD", async (settings) => { PostAnswer("MT_ADD", await metrics.addMetric(settings)) }) PostRequest("MT_DELETE", async (settings) => { PostAnswer("MT_DELETE", await metrics.deleteMetric(settings)) }) } socket.on("disconnect", (reason) => { plog.log("Déconnexion du panel par '" + user.username + "' avec le socket : " + }) socket.on("connect_error", (err) => { console.log(err) console.log(err.message); // prints the message associated with the error }); function GetRequest(GQname, GQcallback) { socket.on("GET/" + GQname, () => { plog.log(user.username + " - Socket : " + + " - GET/" + GQname + " - [RECIEVED]") GQcallback() }) } function GetAnswer(GRname, GRvalue) { plog.log(user.username + " - Socket : " + + " - GET/" + GRname + " - [ANSWERED]") socket.emit("ANSWER/GET/" + GRname, GRvalue) } function PostRequest(GQname, GQcallback) { socket.on("POST/" + GQname, (value) => { plog.log(user.username + " - Socket : " + + " - POST/" + GQname + " - [RECIEVED]") GQcallback(value) }) } function PostAnswer(GRname, GRvalue) { plog.log(user.username + " - Socket : " + + " - POST/" + GRname + " - [ANSWERED]") socket.emit("ANSWER/POST/" + GRname, GRvalue) } } else { socket.disconnect() plog.warn("Connexion directe vers le panel avec un token inexistant : " + this.token) } }) }