const { LogType } = require("loguix") const fs = require("fs") const path = require("path") const { __glob } = require("./global-variables") const ulog = new LogType("Links") const uuid = require("uuid") const config = require("./config") const {ApplyLinks} = require("../routes/link") if(!fs.existsSync(__glob.DATA + path.sep + "links.json")) { fs.writeFileSync(__glob.DATA + path.sep + "links.json", JSON.stringify([], null, 2)) } module.exports.getLinks = function() { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(__glob.DATA + path.sep + "links.json")) } const FirstLinkManager = new ApplyLinks(this.getLinks()) module.exports.addLink = function(settings) { var canDo = true const links = this.getLinks() var id = makeid(8) if(settings.abstractLink) { settings.dest = id.toString() } // Check if a destination already exists between links and if it's the case, we return an error "ALREADY_EXiST" links.forEach((link) => { if(link.dest == settings.dest) { canDo = false } }) const link = { id: id, title: settings.title, url: settings.url, dest: settings.dest, } if(canDo) { links.push(link) fs.writeFileSync(__glob.DATA + path.sep + "links.json", JSON.stringify(links, null, 2)) const LinkManager = new ApplyLinks(this.getLinks()) return "OK" } else { return "ALREADY_EXIST" } } module.exports.removeLink = function(id) { const links = this.getLinks() const newLinks = [] links.forEach((link) => { if( != id) { newLinks.push(link) } }) fs.writeFileSync(__glob.DATA + path.sep + "links.json", JSON.stringify(newLinks, null, 2)) const LinkManager = new ApplyLinks(this.getLinks()) return "OK" } module.exports.updateLink = function(id, settings) { const links = this.getLinks() const newLinks = [] links.forEach((link) => { if( == id) { link.title = settings.title link.url = settings.url } newLinks.push(link) }) fs.writeFileSync(__glob.DATA + path.sep + "links.json", JSON.stringify(newLinks, null, 2)) const LinkManager = new ApplyLinks(this.getLinks()) return "OK" } function makeid(length) { let result = ''; const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; const charactersLength = characters.length; let counter = 0; while (counter < length) { result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength)); counter += 1; } return result; }